訪問短片 -「今生不做機械人」夢想計劃2022 得獎者 梁希頴 - 《鍊心創作家》
「今生不做機械人」夢想計劃2022 得獎者
梁希頴 - 《鍊心創作家》
"Life Beyond Routine" Dream Plan 2022 Awardee –
Leung Hei Wing - 《Healing Creator》
梁希頴身為精神復元人士,約十年前確診思覺失調,現情況穩定。我曾於小型 NGO 擔任朋輩支援工作員。我於 2006 年畢業於視覺傳意學系,最近成為和諧粉彩準指導師,喜歡藝術及創作,並希望以藝術及精神健康揉合出一套獨特的心靈療癒方式,有志在社福界發展及希望與更多青少年或同路人同行,在寸步難移的城市裡找到一個屬於自己的出口,希望透過此計劃使社會更多基層受惠。我會藉著引導青少年去思考自己在職場或生活上遇到的問題,而令他們記錄一些自己的情緒,例如:快樂、憤怒、委屈、不安、恐懼、尷尬等等,從而以這些情緒或畫面作為基礎,以藝術的方式去引導他們創作一副屬於他們自己的心靈探索牌卡(例如:拼貼、彩繪、攝影等),而這些牌卡會伴隨一本自創小冊子,當他們在一些情緒起伏的時刻,可以拿出這副牌卡作為工具,記錄自己的情緒在小冊子上,日復日,這本小冊子會成為一本日誌,可讓他們從中了解到自己的情緒變化及反思背後的需要,從而令他們更有勇氣接納及面對自己,並從中突破自我,為成長作更堅固的準備。
Leung Hei Wing, a mental health recovery advocate, was diagnosed with schizophrenia about ten years ago, and her condition has since stabilized. She previously worked as a peer support worker at a small NGO. She graduated in 2006 with a degree in Visual Communication and recently became a certified Harmonic Color Consultant. She has a passion for art and creativity and aims to blend art and mental health to create a unique form of spiritual healing. She aspires to develop her career in the social welfare sector and hopes to walk alongside more youth or fellow travellers in the city's challenging landscape. Through this project, she plans to guide young people in reflecting on the problems they encounter in their workplace or life. She encourages them to document their emotions, such as happiness, anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, and awkwardness, and then, using these emotions or images as a foundation, guide them in creating their own cards for emotional exploration, using art forms like collages, paintings, or photography. These cards will be accompanied by a self-created booklet. In times of emotional ups and downs, they can use these cards as tools to record their emotions in the booklet. Over time, this booklet will become a diary, allowing them to understand their emotional changes and reflect on their underlying needs. Through this process, they can muster the courage to accept and face themselves and prepare themselves for personal growth.
Project Organizer:
La Violet Charity Foundation
About La Violet Charity Foundation:
Established in 2014, this charity organization focuses on planning and organizing meaningful activities in the fields of education, youth development, and pursuing dreams. The team hosts the annual city-wide event "Life Beyond Routine Dream Plan," aiming to unite social forces and promote the spirit of "Life Beyond Routine”, encouraging Hong Kong people to find their interests and pursue what they believe in. In the past eight cohorts, 80 awardees have been recognized, and they have been featured in interviews by over 100 media outlets.
Website: www.laviolet.com.hk
Telephone: 3111 2033
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lvdreamplan
Email: foundation@laviolet.com.hk
有關 Under Production (UP):
- UP 成立於2015年,致力為有意投身創意工業的青年建立實戰平台,
- 服務主要包括平面設計、書籍出版、自家設計產品、影片製作、原創音樂製作及社交媒體營銷等。
- 過去已培育超過400位創意人才及提供了超過1000個實習及就業機會。
About Under Production (UP):
- Established in 2015, UP is committed to providing a practical platform for young people interested in the creative industry, helping them gain a deeper understanding of the industry, and enhancing their awareness of society through participation in various social projects.
- Our three main scope of services includes Film Production, Publishing (videos, music, books and publications) and Campaign Management.
- UP has nurtured over 400 creative talents and provided over 1000 internship and employment opportunities.
查詢 Inquiry:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnderProductionDesign
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/underproductionhk/
Website: https://www.underproductionhk.com/