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《今生不做機械人夢想計劃》故事系列 - 填詞人王仲傑
La Violet Education籽識教育

《今生不做機械人夢想計劃》故事系列 - 填詞人王仲傑

籽識教育創辦人及首席導師 - 王仲傑先生 曾於美資銀行任客戶服務部副總裁,30出頭任高職,中學會考七優一良,卻曾經夢想與林夕、黃偉文一樣,將心思傾注歌詞,成為街知巷聞的填詞人。 出身基層家庭,王仲傑很早已知,要靠自己打拼。當年會考成績好,順利入大學,在港大再讀經濟學碩士,憑好表現十年間攀至副總裁,但他從無放棄做填詞人的夢想。2009年,他應邀到天水圍元朗信義中學教學生創意寫作,與年輕人分享他實踐夢想的心得,無心插柳,讓他找到人生另一個教育夢想。 2011年,他決定成立「籽識教育」,以創意教育和藝術教育推動生涯規劃,並成立「籽識教育基金有限公司」,籌辦「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,鼓勵香港人勇敢追夢。 香港流行曲作詞人,出版作品達 100 首。曾合作歌手包括譚詠麟、何韻詩及劉若英。 第七屆青年領袖得主。 前美資銀行副總裁。 香港大學經濟系碩士及香港中文大學風險管理科學學士。 創辦籽識慈善基金,策劃「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,支持香港人追夢。 創辦陸續出版有限公司(,為青少年提供設計及創作等領域工作機會。 《今生不做機械人》及《畀返個仔我》作者。 Mr. Wong Chung Kit, the founder and chief tutor of La Violet Education (籽識教育): Mr. Wong Chung Kit, a renowned lyricist in Hong Kong's music industry, is the founder and chief tutor of La Violet Education. Despite his impressive academic achievements, having earned a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor's degree in Risk Management Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he held onto his dream of becoming a lyricist alongside his successful career. Coming from a grassroots background, Wong Chung Kit knew from a young age that he had to work hard to achieve his dreams. He excelled in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and successfully entered university. Over a decade, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually became the Vice President of a major American bank. However, he never abandoned his dream of becoming a lyricist, much like his idols, Albert Leung (Lin Xi) and Wyman Wong who were well-known lyricists in Hong Kong. In 2009, he was invited to teach creative writing to students at The ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School, where he began sharing his experiences in pursuing dreams with young people. This unintentional move led him to discover another dream: a dream in education. In 2011, he founded La Violet Education and established La Violet Charity Foundation Limited. Through various educational programs, such as the "今生不做機械人夢想計劃" (Life Beyond Routine Dream Plan), he encourages Hong Kong people to bravely pursue their dreams. As a popular lyricist in Hong Kong, he has written over 100 songs for renowned singers, including Alan Tam, Denise Ho, and Rene Liu. He has received numerous awards and recognition, including the 7th Youth Leadership Award, in honor of his contributions to the community. Wong Chung Kit's journey from a corporate executive to an educator and lyricist is an inspiring story of pursuing one's dreams while making a positive impact on society. 有關籽識慈善基金: 2014創立之慈善團體,主力為教育、青少年發展及追求夢想三大方向策劃及舉辦有意義的活動。團隊每年舉辦全港性活動「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,希望能集結社會力量,宣揚「今生不做機械人」的追夢精神,鼓勵香港人找到興趣和堅持所想。過去6屆一共有60個得獎者誕生,獲100多家媒體採訪導。此計劃現以「創夢、延夢、圓夢」分拆為三個針對青少年、家長、長者的夢想計劃,其中創夢計劃獲賽馬會資助。 Regarding La Violet Charity Foundation: Founded in 2014, La Violet Charity Foundation is a charitable organization focused on education, youth development, and dream pursuit. The foundation organizes meaningful events and activities in these areas. Each year, the foundation hosts the city-wide event "Life Beyond Routine Dream Plan," aiming to unite society in promoting the spirit of pursuing dreams and encouraging Hong Kong residents to discover their interests and persevere in their aspirations. Over the past cohorts, 60 awardees have been recognized, with more than 100 media outlets covering their stories. The project has been splitted into three dream programs in 2019-2021 for youth, parents, and senior citizens, namely "Dream Creation、Dream Extension and Dream Fulfilment," with the "Dream Creation" initiative receiving support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Website: Telephone: 3111 2033 Facebook: Email:
《今生不做機械人夢想計劃》故事系列 - 甜品師蝦米
La Violet Education籽識教育

《今生不做機械人夢想計劃》故事系列 - 甜品師蝦米

有關籽識慈善基金: 2014創立之慈善團體,主力為教育、青少年發展及追求夢想三大方向策劃及舉辦有意義的活動。團隊每年舉辦全港性活動「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,希望能集結社會力量,宣揚「今生不做機械人」的追夢精神,鼓勵香港人找到興趣和堅持所想。過去6屆一共有60個得獎者誕生,獲100多家媒體採訪導。此計劃現以「創夢、延夢、圓夢」分拆為三個針對青少年、家長、長者的夢想計劃,其中創夢計劃獲賽馬會資助。 La Violet Education Foundation (籽識慈善基金) is a charitable organization established in 2014. Its primary focus areas include education, youth development, and the pursuit of dreams. The foundation plans and organizes meaningful events and activities in these areas. One of its flagship initiatives is the annual citywide event called "今生不做機械人夢想計劃," which aims to unite the community in promoting the spirit of pursuing dreams and encouraging people in Hong Kong to discover their interests and persevere in their aspirations. Over the past six editions of this program, a total of 60 awardees have been recognized, with coverage from over 100 media outlets. The project has now been divided into three dream programs for youth, parents, and senior citizens, namely "創夢、延夢、圓夢," with the "創夢" initiative receiving support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Website: Telephone: 3111 2033 Facebook: Email:
訪問短片 - 第一屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《花香藝術館》
Under Production

訪問短片 - 第一屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《花香藝術館》

「我認為生命最幸福的是﹕在生的時候能將幸福傳遞給別人,臨終的時候把自己的快樂留給世界。」懷著以上的信念,秋雯婆婆由四川走到尼泊爾,服務對象由兒童到婦女,由幫助重建家園到授人以漁,一直努力服務人群。雖然過着簡樸的生活,未必是什麼榮華富貴,但當中的精神令人十分景仰。 天災人禍代代都有,雖然有很多的悲劇,但是在悲劇中,往往最能凸顯人性的真善美。秋雯婆婆的無私奉獻,相信為當地的小朋友帶來溫暖,亦為小編帶來啟發。人生的意義到底是什麼?是營營役役地,為金錢每天重複一樣的工作?或是可以在工作之中,發揮自己,美好身邊人乃至社會? The video highlights the life and work of an inspiring individual named 秋雯婆婆 (Grandma Qiu Wen), who hails from Sichuan and embarked on a journey to Nepal to serve various communities, including children and women. She has been involved in activities ranging from helping rebuild homes to teaching people how to fish. Despite leading a simple life, her dedication to serving others is truly admirable. The video explores the idea that happiness in life comes from sharing happiness with others during one's lifetime and leaving one's own joy to the world when passing away. It reflects on the meaning of life and the importance of making a positive impact on others and society. 如果你都想支持有意義的夢想,不妨subscribe under production的channel,或者到 了解今生不做機械人的詳情。 The video encourages viewers to support meaningful dreams and suggests subscribing to the Under Production channel. It also provides information about the "今生不做機械人" initiative and La Violet Education Foundation. Under Production 於 2014 年成立,希望為充滿創作熱誠和夢想的青年提供平台,協助他們接洽相關工作。我們與本地年青設計師、創作者、藝術工作者或有興趣學生皆有合作,業務包括書籍出版、多媒體製作、平面設計及音樂創作等。如對我們的服務有興趣,歡迎 或致電3111 2033查詢。 Under Production, established in 2014, aims to provide a platform for young individuals filled with creative passion and dreams. They collaborate with local young designers, creators, artists, and students, offering services such as book publishing, multimedia production, graphic design, and music composition. For inquiries about their services, viewers are directed to visit their website at or contact them at 3111 2033.
訪問短片 - 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《甜品師Vicky》Dessert Chef Vicky
Under Production

訪問短片 - 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《甜品師Vicky》Dessert Chef Vicky

家暴的經歷,往往很容易令受害者不能忘懷,甚至成為加害者。身為弱聽人士的Vicky 卻直言她的成長困難不過比他人多了幾個。面對過去種種,Vicky 沒有放棄信心,反而「希望協助曾經有相同經歷的人渡過難關」。 透過今生不做機械人,Vicky 教育小朋友造出美味的甜品,再和小朋友一起探訪老人家。她希望利用甜品去關懷社會的弱勢族群──「得獎的結果讓我明白夢想無分大小,最重要的是我為實現夢想所做的一切,當中的得着與對社會的貢獻;儘管夢想可以為自我而實現,但若果能夠為社會帶來正面影響,並能回饋社會, 夢想的實踐才更有意義。」 她的夢想,無疑是一場自我痊癒的過程;同時,亦令其他人得到溫暖。她的夢想未必偉大,卻足以感人。如果想了解今生不做機械人的話,不妨subscribe under production的channel,或者到 了解。 The video features Vicky, who has faced experiences of domestic violence, which often leave lasting scars and can lead individuals to become perpetrators themselves. Despite being a person with hearing impairment, Vicky openly shares that her challenges in life were just a few more than those of others. She did not lose confidence but instead expressed her desire to help those who have gone through similar experiences overcome their difficulties. Through the "今生不做機械人" initiative, Vicky educates children in making delicious desserts and accompanies them on visits to elderly individuals. She aims to use desserts as a means to care for marginalized groups in society. Vicky believes that the most important aspect of pursuing dreams is the contribution one makes to society along the way. She emphasizes that dreams, regardless of their size, become meaningful when they positively impact society. Vicky's dream is not grand in scale but is deeply touching, representing a journey of self-healing and providing warmth to others. The video encourages viewers to explore more about the "今生不做機械人" initiative by subscribing to Under Production's channel or visiting Under Production 於 2014 年成立,希望為充滿創作熱誠和夢想的青年提供平台,協助他們接洽相關工作。我們與本地年青設計師、創作者、藝術工作者或有興趣學生皆有合作,業務包括書籍出版、多媒體製作、平面設計及音樂創作等。如對我們的服務有興趣,歡迎 或致電3111 2033查詢。 Under Production, founded in 2014, aims to provide a platform for young individuals filled with creative passion and dreams. They collaborate with local young designers, creators, artists, and students, offering services such as book publishing, multimedia production, graphic design, and music composition. For inquiries about their services, viewers are directed to visit their website at or contact them at 3111 2033.
訪問短片 - 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《香港花式足球代表隊》Hong Kong Freestyle Football Team
Under Production

訪問短片 - 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《香港花式足球代表隊》Hong Kong Freestyle Football Team

「我自己有一個夢想 , 就是希望能跟香港的神奇小子曹星如一樣 , 為港爭光」──年青人的夢想,往往是熱血又瘋狂的。在香港做運動員很艱難,大家都清楚。更何況這一班年青人玩的不是熱門運動,而是國際間冷門的花式足球。而要為港爭光 ,,就絕對是難上加難。但是正如喬布斯亦說過:「瘋狂得想改變世界的人,正是能改變世界的人」。 政府資助少,有認可的出國比賽,往往要這批20出頭的年青人自費。但是,他們從未氣餒或放棄,反而互相扶持、抵勵丶切礎,努力完夢。幸運地,參加了今生不做機械人夢想計劃,得以獲取參加外地花式足球比賽的旅費 ,從而完成他們的夢想 。 勇往直前、不顧一切,你心中尚有這種熱血的初衷嗎?追隨夢想,永遠不會太遲。如果想了解今生不做機械人的話,不妨subscribe under production的channel,或者到 了解。 The video showcases the dreams and aspirations of these young individuals who aspire to represent Hong Kong on an international stage in freestyle football. Pursuing a career in sports in Hong Kong can be challenging, and even more so when they are involved in a less popular sport like freestyle football. Competing internationally and bringing honor to Hong Kong is an arduous task. However, these young people are determined to chase their dreams. Despite limited government funding and the need for self-financing to participate in international competitions, they never gave up. Instead, they supported and encouraged each other, overcoming obstacles together. Fortunately, through their participation in the "今生不做機械人夢想計劃," they received financial support for their travel expenses to compete in international freestyle football competitions, helping them realize their dreams. The video inspires viewers to pursue their dreams relentlessly, regardless of challenges. It emphasizes that it's never too late to follow your dreams. For those interested in learning more about the "今生不做機械人" initiative, the video encourages subscribing to Under Production's channel or visiting Under Production 於 2014 年成立,希望為屬充滿創作熱誠和夢想的青年提供平台,協助他們接洽相關工作。我們與本地年青設計師、創作者、藝術工作者或有興趣學生皆有合作,業務包括書籍出版、多媒體製作、平面設計及音樂創作等。如對我們的服務有興趣,歡迎 或致電3111 2033查詢。 Under Production, established in 2014, aims to provide a platform for young individuals filled with creative passion and dreams. They collaborate with local young designers, creators, artists, and students, offering services such as book publishing, multimedia production, graphic design, and music composition. For inquiries about their services, viewers are directed to visit their website at or contact them at 3111 2033.
La Violet Education籽識教育


【第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃 開始接受報名啦!】 今日第一屆得獎者阿富有說話同大家講。 阿富的故事: 十年前因交通意外左手截肢。經歷7年自卑,決定振作,學習小提琴,希望透過音樂找回自信。同時以自己故事,讓其他傷殘人士相信自己,以生命感染生命。 The video features a message from the first-year program recipient,阿富, who shares his story. Ten years ago, he experienced a traffic accident that resulted in the amputation of his left hand. He went through seven years of self-doubt but eventually decided to regain his confidence by learning to play the violin. He aimed to find confidence through music and also inspire other disabled individuals to believe in themselves, using his life as an example. 特別鳴謝:讚好校園@香港青年協會 (影片拍攝及製作) =================== 「夢想 想一想 人生 不一樣」 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃 申請日期:2015年5月1日至7月31日 申請表格 FB: 查詢:3111 2033 捐款戶口:中銀 BOC 012﹣742﹣00095695 (La Violet Charity Foundation Ltd.) The video encourages viewers to participate in the Second Dream Plan for Not Becoming Robots initiative. The application period for this program is from May 1st to July 31st. Interested individuals can find application forms at Additional information and updates can be found on their Facebook page at For inquiries, you can contact them at 3111 2033 or send an email to 有關籽識慈善基金: 2014創立之慈善團體,主力為教育、青少年發展及追求夢想三大方向策劃及舉辦有意義的活動。團隊每年舉辦全港性活動「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,希望能集結社會力量,宣揚「今生不做機械人」的追夢精神,鼓勵香港人找到興趣和堅持所想。過去6屆一共有60個得獎者誕生,獲100多家媒體採訪導。此計劃現以「創夢、延夢、圓夢」分拆為三個針對青少年、家長、長者的夢想計劃,其中創夢計劃獲賽馬會資助。 La Violet Education 籽識教育 established the La Violet Charity Foundation Ltd. in 2014, focusing on three main areas: education, youth development, and pursuing dreams. They organize the annual city-wide "今生不做機械人夢想計劃" (Dream Plan for Not Becoming Robots) initiative, aiming to unite social forces and promote the spirit of pursuing dreams among Hong Kong citizens. Over the past six years, this program has produced 60 awardees, with coverage from over 100 media outlets. The initiative has been divided into three dream plans for youth, parents, and seniors, with the "創夢計劃" (Dream Creation Plan) being sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Website: Telephone: 3111 2033 Facebook: Email:
La Violet Education籽識教育


【第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃 開始接受報名啦!】 今日我地睇睇第一屆另一位得獎者-關紹峰,又有咩說話同大家講。 阿峰的故事: 移民在即,不捨香港,創作一系列關於這個「家」的插畫。與不同機構合作,推出產品,傳揚愛的訊息。為開主題CAFÉ,現在餐廳廚房工作,汲取經驗。 In the video, the first-year program recipient, 関紹峰 (Kwan Siu Fung), shares his story. Facing immigration, he couldn't bear to leave Hong Kong behind and decided to create a series of illustrations about this "home." He collaborated with various organizations to launch products and spread messages of love. He has now started working in a restaurant kitchen to gain more experience. 特別鳴謝:讚好校園@香港青年協會 (影片拍攝及製作) =================== 「夢想 想一想 人生 不一樣」 第二屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃 申請日期:2015年5月1日至7月31日 申請表格 FB: 查詢:3111 2033 捐款戶口:中銀 BOC 012﹣742﹣00095695 (La Violet Charity Foundation Ltd.) The video encourages viewers to participate in the Second Dream Plan for Not Becoming Robots initiative. The application period for this program is from May 1st to July 31st. Interested individuals can find application forms at Additional information and updates can be found on their Facebook page at For inquiries, you can contact them at 3111 2033 or send an email to 有關籽識慈善基金: 2014創立之慈善團體,主力為教育、青少年發展及追求夢想三大方向策劃及舉辦有意義的活動。團隊每年舉辦全港性活動「今生不做機械人夢想計劃」,希望能集結社會力量,宣揚「今生不做機械人」的追夢精神,鼓勵香港人找到興趣和堅持所想。過去6屆一共有60個得獎者誕生,獲100多家媒體採訪導。此計劃現以「創夢、延夢、圓夢」分拆為三個針對青少年、家長、長者的夢想計劃,其中創夢計劃獲賽馬會資助。 La Violet Education 籽識教育 established the La Violet Charity Foundation Ltd. in 2014, focusing on three main areas: education, youth development, and pursuing dreams. They organize the annual city-wide "今生不做機械人夢想計劃" (Dream Plan for Not Becoming Robots) initiative, aiming to unite social forces and promote the spirit of pursuing dreams among Hong Kong citizens. Over the past six years, this program has produced 60 awardees, with coverage from over 100 media outlets. The initiative has been divided into three dream plans for youth, parents, and seniors, with the "創夢計劃" (Dream Creation Plan) being sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Website: Telephone: 3111 2033 Facebook: Email:
訪問短片 - 第三屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《WeCycle》
Under Production

訪問短片 - 第三屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《WeCycle》

在人生路上,跌倒再站起來,從來不是易事,對戒毒人士尤甚。種種的標籤,失去的信心,面對過去再從新出發需要大家的支持,戒毒人士卻要獨自面對。 有見及此,柏sir (路德會清欣中心註冊社工)希望培訓戒毒人士為單車導賞員。第一步是重拾他們的自信心、建立戒毒人士的團體──令他們不再孤單,而更重要的是和大眾分享心路歷程──宣揚禁毒訊息。振作可能需要時間,但有我們的支持,相信不難重新出發。 助人為樂,更快樂的是可以看見戒毒人士在人生路上再現精彩,未必和夢想有什麼實際關係。但是這份自信和正面的態度相信是成就夢想的第一步。 如果想了解今生不做機械人的話,不妨subscribe under production的channel,或者到 了解。 In the video, the focus is on the challenges that individuals face on their life journeys, particularly those recovering from addiction. Overcoming addiction and rebuilding one's life is a difficult task, and individuals in recovery often face labels, loss of confidence, and the daunting task of starting anew. They often have to confront these challenges on their own. Recognizing this, "柏sir" (Mr. Bai, a registered social worker at the Lutheran Church's Qing Yan Centre) envisioned a program to train individuals in recovery from addiction to become cycling tour guides. The first step in this process is to help them regain their self-confidence and create a support network for individuals in recovery, so they no longer feel isolated. More importantly, it provides them with the opportunity to share their personal journeys with the public, spreading awareness about addiction recovery. While recovery may take time, with our support, it is believed that they can restart their lives. The video emphasizes the joy of helping others and highlights the happiness that comes from witnessing individuals in recovery reclaim their lives, even if their dreams may not initially be directly related to their past struggles. However, this newfound self-confidence and positive attitude are seen as the first steps toward achieving their dreams. The video encourages viewers to subscribe to the Under Production channel and visit the La Violet Education website ( to learn more about the "今生不做機械人" initiative. Under Production 於 2014 年成立,希望為充滿創作熱誠和夢想的青年提供平台,協助他們接洽相關工作。我們與本地年青設計師、創作者、藝術工作者或有興趣學生皆有合作,業務包括書籍出版、多媒體製作、平面設計及音樂創作等。如對我們的服務有興趣,歡迎 或致電3111 2033查詢。 Under Production, established in 2014, aims to provide a platform for passionate and aspiring young individuals to connect with various creative opportunities. They collaborate with local young designers, creators, artists, and students, offering services such as book publishing, multimedia production, graphic design, and music composition. For inquiries about their services, you can visit their website ( or contact them at 3111 2033.
訪問短片 - 第三屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《精英泰拳社》 Elite Muay Thai Club
Under Production

訪問短片 - 第三屆今生不做機械人夢想計劃得獎者《精英泰拳社》 Elite Muay Thai Club

泰拳,在大眾心目中,絕對是一門暴力而熱血的運動。 身為兩個孩子的母親,又是事務律師及前女律師協會會長,為何會以泰拳為夢? 身體原因,陳律師接觸了泰拳,發覺它的獨有魅力。無論鍛鍊身體、或是培養品德,泰拳都令本來熱心慈善的她聯想到基層少年。所以,精英泰拳社主要目的是亦訓練貧困階層的青少年成為助教,為他們提供工作機會。 「走入邊緣,帶出精英」正正是陳女士的夢想。與其說她實現夢想,不如說她帶領青年走追夢的第一步。希望,在各界努力下,社會會培育出愈來愈多「愛拼」的青年,令更多人可追夢。 In the video, the focus is on the story of Ms. Chan, a mother of two children who is also a legal practitioner and the former president of the Women Lawyers' Association. It explores why she chose Muay Thai, a sport often perceived as violent and intense, as her dream pursuit. Ms. Chan's initial introduction to Muay Thai was due to health reasons, and she discovered the unique allure of the sport. She realized that Muay Thai could be used not only for physical fitness but also for character development. This led her to think about underprivileged youth, and she founded the "精英泰拳社" (Elite Muay Thai Club) with the primary goal of training young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to become instructors and providing them with job opportunities. The motto of the initiative is "走入邊緣,帶出精英" ("Enter the margins, bring out the elites"), reflecting Ms. Chan's dream. Rather than just achieving her own dream, she is leading young people toward taking the first steps in pursuing their dreams. She hopes that with efforts from all sectors of society, more young individuals with a strong determination to succeed will be nurtured, allowing them to chase their own dreams. 如果想了解今生不做機械人的話,不妨subscribe under production的 channel ,或者到 了解。 The video encourages viewers to subscribe to the Under Production channel and visit the La Violet Education website ( to learn more about the "今生不做機械人" initiative.
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